A place to collect the internet buzzings on what was the most exciting and fun cruise EVAH!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Living Under A Rock? MCC2 Information
The second Mayercraft Carrier Cruise is scheduled. So if you didn't go on the first, get thyself to the MCC website and register to get info.
The info:
Mayercraft Carrier 2
Dates: March 27 to 31, 2009
Long Beach, California to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Monday, March 10, 2008
LiveJournal - Kittenblues11: Mayercraft - Day 6
Mayercraft - Day 6
- Feb. 27th, 2008 at 10:13 PM
Today was our only day at sea on the Mayercraft. Now because we were all up so late the previous night - we all got to sleep in just a bit. I think we were all up by 10am. We got dressed and what not and then headed over to the main theater for a Local-83 invite only Question & Answer session with John Mayer! Awesome! So we get down there about 30 mins. before they open the doors just so we can make sure we get good seats. We get in....John comes out....and answers questions for like 45 mins. If you have not heard it yet...get onto MSM and download Debbie's recording....it was pretty great. John was very hung over..haha

ok - Q & A over - we make a mad dash over to the Lido Deck - John is giving a 45 min. show! We were able to find a pretty awesome spot for just getting there an hour before the show started. I heard that there were some people that had been waiting for 7 and a half hours...now THAT is crazy. I went and got some burgers and fries for us to eat while we waited for we were famished! The show started and the man CAMEOUTWITHNOSHIRTON BAHHHHHHH. I nearly died.

It was hands down the BEST...well....one of the best concerts I had ever been to. He played quite a few songs that he had not played in years....we also got "Say" and song he has not played live yet. Now....I was able to get a bit of video....video to come....
a few songs into the show...John had to take a "piss" and something happened....ok ok...every JM show that I go to....I;ve always wished that DRH (John's back up guitar player) would break into a little "Pretty Girl". I'm a huge DRH fan and have NEVER seen him perform live. So as John says he needs to go take a piss and leaves the stage...Davis Ryan Harris does what? Starts singing Pretty Girl. I nearly fainted.....and when John came back....he joined in!!!! BAHHHHHH DREAM NUMBER 405 COME TRUE!
After the Lido deck show we booted over to another stage for the only DRH show. We had awesome seats waiting for us thanks to friends....and it was the best show ever! I've waited 4 years for see DRH live....and it was freaking awesome!!!!!!!!

After DRH....we are wiped...sheesh...it's been a long day of concerts....but wait...it's time for the Superbowl! They broadcast the game on all the TV's on the ship including the jumbo one on the Lido deck. As I was passing by...I ran into Jenny....one of only 3 Vancouverites on the ship! Woooohoooo! I was wearing my BC Lions Jersey....so what better time for a photo op?

Now....time for dinner. Between all the drinking and everything....by the time dinner came...I was just done. I only ate half of my dinner and did not even order dessert! The waiters all sang to us....Waiting on the World to Change...it was pretty funny...they all had cue cards.

Dinner is over....but wait....one more concert....John Mayer's second main show!!!!!!! Dinner ended at 9 and show started at 10:30........so we are there in our seats (errr, place to stand) by 10:00pm. The show f'ing rocked!

The last song of the night.... Martin Sexton came out and they did a song together....FREAKING AWESOME!

1am - and I'm just beat. I know tomorrow morning we dock in Miami and Mayercraft will be over....so instead to going to the club to dance the night away with the rest of the girls....I got some beers (and a smoke) and headed up to the Lido deck, alone, to just relax and take everything in. It had pretty much been one of the best weeks of my life....and I just needed to reflect.

LiveJournal - Kittenblues11: Mayercraft - Day 5
Mayercraft - Day 5
- Feb. 24th, 2008 at 8:07 PM
So before I start forgetting, I'd better post the rest of Mayercraft....get ready for a ton of pics!
Saturday we were up early to to get off the boat for our tour bus to explore Freeport was leaving at 8:00am. We got up, threw on some clothes and staggered off the boat. Freeport was kinda a hole. I mean....there was a KFC (Let's get american) and a bunch of damaged houses from the hurricane 4 years ago. The beach however was amazing!!!!! I'm SO glad we ventured over to the beach!
Once we got off the boat.....here is what I saw!

Here are some pictures I took in Freeport, Bahamas

We got back on the boat around 1:00 in the afternoon. With no concerts or anything going on on the boat until 5pm - Laura & I decided that we were going to get in some pool time! We found Whitney & Carolyn and the 4 of us got deck chairs and tanned together. Then .... I started to drink....and then I started to drink more....

and then everyone just started showing up! Jenn & Kimmy showed up....Will & Jeff showed up....and then we also made some more friends... (Julie, You are killing me!)
Then (Oh my goodness) JJ (John Mayer's drummer) walked by. He stopped to hang out for a bit and chit chat.

After JJ left..Will (Colbie's guitar player) came by and TOTALLY started flirting with Laura. hahahaehehehe...it was pretty awesome. So anyways....I continued to drink and drink ....and then around 5pm Laura and I headed back to our room to get ready for 80's night! Wooohooo! Now because I was a little tipsy (and continued to drink beer in the shower) I was a mess. I even foolishly put face cream in my hair thinking it was hair cream. A big thank-you to Kimmy for pulling me together. She brought the 80's tunes to get us in the mood and she helped me with my dress. Here was the finished product!

Laura, Kimmy & Jenn and I met up with the "gang" and all headed to dinner. My drunkeness was started to wear off (thank goodness) and we all enjoyed an amazing dinner. The waiters even did a boogie for us.....hahaha, it was freaking hilarious. I think we finished dinner around 9:30 and then....we de-80'ed. Our 80's outfits were only gonna last so long....and we needed to get changed....
After dinner we headed off to Colbie's show. It was awesome! Huge surprise at the end when John came out and did a song with Colbie. MY FIRST JOHN MAYER SIGHTING!!!!!!!!!
Afterwards...... we were off the the night club!
OK OK OK OK - so we get to the night club....and right away I see that there is a big VIP area cornered off and right away we know....John Mayer is gonna be there later! Well, the girls (and Steve) right away hit the dance floor and start groovin'! I then see the flashes of camera and the squeel of the girls and know that John and his "gang" have arrived. Now....we just keep dancing and doing our thing....and then I just say "Fuck it" I am never ever going to get this chance again.....I'm going up to the VIP area to see what I can see. So with camera in hand....off I go. Now I don't get very close at all...and really could not see much. I can see John and his friends having a good time. John then grabs a bottle of Tequila and some shot glasses and starts handing out shots to fans!

I was freaking out knowing that I was there! I then decided to leave the club and go back to our room and grab my Room For Squares CD cover and a picture I took of John a few years back at a Vancouver concert. Now I have been trying for 4 years to get my RFS CD signed....and I figured that if it's ever gonna happen....tonight might be the night!. I got back to the night club and was able to pick a different spot and took a few more pictures of John chatting it up with fans....

I just kind of hung back and was just observing everything. Then Colbie Caillat came into the VIP area. John got up to greet her and chat for a bit. As he was heading back to his seat I held up my CD cover(with the picture tucked in it) along with a sharpie in the other hand above my head. OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS. John saw me, pointed at me and walked over. HOLLY SHIT!!! My legs started to get weak....and ...ya. He came over and took the CD our of my left hand and then went back to his seat? What the heck? Why did he not take the sharpie? Was he planning on keeping my stuff? What was going on? I dunno I dunno? I could see him looking over the CD cover and looking at the picture I look. He spent a good 20 seconds looking at the picture. Then he pulled a sharpie out of his back pocket and started writing. Oh my goodness....bahhhhhhhhhhhhh! As I started to freak out more (all in my head) John then got up and walked back to me and gave me back my stuff. HOLLY FEAKING GOODNESS. After 4 years of making a serious effort of trying to get an autograph...I did it!

After that I ran back to the dance floor to show the girls. They were SO excited for me and could tell that I was still freaking out! ha ha ha. I boogied with them all for awhile longer. Around 3am (I think) we all went and grabbed some pizza...hung out for a bit...and then went to bed.
One of the best freaking days ever!
MySpace.com - Ms. Amanda Jayne : The Mayercraft Baby
It is about time that I told you all a little about my trip. For starters, what is the Mayercraft? John Mayer hosted a musical cruise to the Bahamas and I went on it. It sailed from Miami to Freeport and back. For anyone who knows I am not a fan of Miami. I find the people to be rude. The men rude, the people rude. Perhaps the fried shit in the cuban food makes people edgy. I know, its the fucking humidity.
So the boat... I shall begin with we were on the Carnival Victory. I have never cruised but I was a bit paranoid. Alright, I watched Titanic and Poseidon before I left. I know the boat would never hit an iceberg in the caribbean but a rogue wave to flip the boat over, duh. I was paniclaidened during the safety drill. It gave me bad anxiety to have the life jacket on... At least i could let go of John and watch his body sink to the bottom as the life boat comes to rescue me to the Carpathia... Oh wait, bad dream. It was a dream I had the night before (yes only two hours of sleep thanks to some major fat bitches who didnt pay their way.)
The food was eh. The dining room kicked ass as i loved our servers Jin night one and night three Juan. The other man on night two had the odacity to give me lip when i wanted another lobster tail and shrimp. We did meet cool people such as Melo and his wife from Vegas. Cant remember her name. And Big John who gave me a half bottle of Petron. Speaking of Petron, thanks Tony Held for Ginell's shot. Number 8 hit alot. Thanks to Barry for my drinks. If you didn't you can do it next year.
So John has alot of fat fans. Alot of fans with bad attitude one called me an annoying bitch. Ugly cunt. Some gals, now I am a big gal, even wore bikinis. Gee wanna scare John. But he had his moment... Borat swimsuit. Thank god I didnt see it. I would have thrown up. His fans were rude, kinda ruined it. Leave him alone! I never saw john other than the times we were supposed to. (The local Q and A and the shows). I was bummed because i was the last question at the q and A. I wanted to know his plans for the trio... But people had lame as questions like about his bucket list and shit. Fuck you eat a hot pocket.
I love Sherrod... I crouching tigered him and he gave me points because I suggested he come back in another life as JM with a bigger dick.
Bob reynolds is amazing and his keyboarder and drummer rule.
Ok so for those who know me, i love SOMETHINGS MISSING... He played it... YEAH THE SHOW I DIDNT GO TO...SIGH SLIT MY WRIST But this... made up for it... Can I lick him please? I had to take a fully clothed shower after.
It was a great time. Good times. I love hot pockets. I love John. Ginell and Chad are gonna make babies. John does like em yellow. I called it.
Now I did see John. The airport. Close to the grey sweat pants NO MAKEUP. So no brows. He ran into me. Helped me up and I am in awe. He said it was good to see me again. And that I looked different... He got it.. not the brows but that I had "lost a significant amount of weight" and looked good.
Dreamy sigh. the boat never flipped open but he knew the way out.
By the time I recognize this moment, this moment will be gone... Thats the way this wheel keeps working now.
Chips ahoy! See you next year.
MySpace.com - Black Butterfly: Mayercraft Cruise circuit-breaker reset
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Mayercraft Cruise: circuit-breaker reset Just some backstory for the photos. Wow, I think my circuits shorted out after this cruise because I'm just getting back into the swing of things again. Sensory overload, for sure. I'm still trying to piece back together what actually happened...thank goodness for the concert tapers because I've got a nice round of mp3s for the iPod now. Being a lover of music it was just authentically rapturous and good God, exactly what the doctor asked for in terms of an escape. For every upside there's a downside. It was too short! I met some of the coolest women on this boat. Yes, as in grown women. I call them John Mayer's Divas...no one can touch them. I aspire to be like them when I grow up. They seemed impressed when they learned of what I do for a living (I guess they think I look young) but I was so impressed with them and appreciative that they took me under their wing. So I gotta shout out to John Mayer's Divas, hope to see you again next year! Yes, yes I'll join Local 83 eventually. (Bite me diehard superfans, I like to go against the grain. Oh yeah, I said it.) And I didn't catch all the bands this year, but this is with a measure of regret. No pics with John Mayer, booo, hisss! Brett Dennen was awesome, especially when he started moving his hips when he was really groovin'! Props. And in the 1min:30sec I met him to take a picture, he seemed like a sweet person. Good get, Maya! "I just bought your album!"..."Kewl." LOL James Smith and Sherrod Smalls were funny as hell. I know people were squirming in their chairs. And James, I had my eye on you, man...you were talking about Oprah and Obama in the same sentence. I had my poison dart shooter poised man, but you pulled a save. Sherrod reminds me of my cousin Mookie, but he's funny anyway. Then a nap and time to DISCO! OH mine eyes, mine eyes. "Nobody knows, the trouble I seen...." There were some goings on on the dance floor and that's always fun to watch in between the whoop, whoop, shaking that ass, whoop whoop! Whoops, it's 3:30AM. Next day, I don't remember much...I had a Bahama Mama which primed my brain for all kinds of mass confusion later after having only 3.5-4 hours sleep the night before. I was excited, how could I sleep? But all that didn't temper my internal database of useless 80s trivia and the 80s Trivia Contest is where I met John Mayer's Divas. They rock! And they don't look like your typical John Mayer fan (ya'll know who you are). It was nice to have a conversation about the main reason most of us were on the boat to begin with. As we left that venue, we said "Yo" to JJ (drummer in JM's band) and snapped a pic. Do you know how many times I must have heard you play, dude? Not to mention the repeat button that's in my head? After I woke up again, we saw a couple of really funky bands. Loved it! Great sounds. "Da Bomb Squad" (was that girl on "American Idol"?) and "Soulive". Good grooves. Maya, good get again. You got our mugs taken with the lead in Soulive too. OK, then the DISCO again! Whoop, whoop! Got a picture with Sherrod. That's pretty cool, I watch "Best Week Ever" religiously. Yeah, I meant to say religiously. I should have gotten a pic with James Smith. He was funny. Dern. Of course, the third day was just bliss. Two John Mayer concerts, which c'mon ya'll, he's phenomenal. I missed some hijinks on the high seas, but it's been photo-documented for those who missed it. We met up with John Mayer's Divas again. The Lido Deck concert was very cozy. No room for modesty...thanks fart guy. And the best part was watching him dig in his ass afterwards (fart guy, not John Mayer), remember that Maya? Sweet. But who cares, John Mayer was topless, woo-hoo! Then the new find that I KNEW I would enjoy was David Ryan Harris. Wow, he's really good, people. So before you stop doggin' my ass for putting "Pretty Girl" on my myspace player because you think I'm a vain heiffer, I put it up there because I enjoyed hearing it in the show and it takes me back there. BOO-YAH! No, THAT'S a picture I should have gotten, DRH is a cool cat. We got to sit with the John Mayer Divas again (they saved a prime seat for us all, THEY REALLY ROCK, love them) and we had a ball. DRH is hilarious and his lyrics are great to follow. And man, he can knock them back and still bring the floor to their feet. Personally, I'd have been drooling and leaning into the mike because I have no tolerance. Impressive, DRH. Then I fell asleep so I could take in the Big Kahuna's show later. And it was just awe-inspiring to see John Mayer play live. If you have a heart, you'll love it. He puts his heart into it. I'm not sure how to put it into words without doing that show an injustice. I'm just glad someone taped it for us. Had to go home. I was happy, because I know there will be another. I was sad, because it went by too fast and there were some pics that were not taken that should have been. Who likes loose ends? It's hard to recreate the sensations of that experience mentally, but it's not impossible. It's like a maze with hidden rooms and every now and then you happen upon a memory that puts you right back there. So some of ya'll people should go next year but not all of ya'll, you ain't squeezing my ass out! Dern, I didn't get a picture of John Mayer's Divas either. Well I had meant to, ladies. I didn't know I'd sleep through the entire SuperBowl. My intentions had been to come back to say goodbye and to thank you for everything. Much love. Awesome. THE END. |
LiveJournal - Kittenblues11: Mayercraft - Day 4
Mayercraft - Day 4
- Feb. 11th, 2008 at 7:49 PM
It was here! Mayer friggin Craft! After 7 months of waiting...the day was finally here to set sail upon the Mayercraft!
We woke up...packed up all our shit and went down to the lobby to check out. Holly crow - it was a friggin' zoo. It looks like the whole hotel was full of Mayercrafters and they all wanted to check out at the same time. Well after about 45 mins we were all check out and we decided that we would check our luggage and go for lunch/breakfast with the boys we had met the night before that the restaurant next to the hotel. After eating we headed back to the hotel where there was a shuttle conviently waiting there and took the 6 of us to the port.
We got to the port around 1pm and stood in line to check in. Once we went thru security and everything we got to a counter where we all checked in and got our sail & sign cards. We also got our wristbands to the second John Mayer headlining show. We were happy to see that we were in row 3 centre! We also got our L83 surprise....tickets to a Q & A with John Mayer! Sweet! We headed up the ramp and had our "boarding" picture taken and then...walking over the plank thing....and there we were....in the atrium on the Mayercraft. Since our luggage was being taken to our rooms for us....we went straight to the bar to get our free beer!!!!!!

We then found our way to the Lido deck to take a look around.....holly shit! Here is the view I saw!

We just chilled on the Lido deck and hung out.....and took everything in!
We found our cabin and the first thing we did was decorate our door. The theme of the "door art" was what's your "Best week ever?". Easy choice for us.....it was the weekend we all spend in Whistler together when the John Mayer concert was canceled in Victoria. Here are the pics or our door.

On our bunks when we arrived to our cabin were AKOG bags (Another Kind Of Green) that John Mayer had designed himself. I remember seeing drawingings some time ago of a reusable bag on John's blog. It was so cool to see the finished product...all put together by Incase to boot! I don't think these bags are for sale anywhere....and just those who were on the Mayercraft got them!

Time for the lifeboat drill. Kimmy & Laura went to go get some food and Jenn and I heading back to out room (after more chilling on the Lido deck) The whistle blew so Jenn & I did the Lifeboat drill alone and met up with Kim & Laura in our rooms after. Laura & Kimmy were gitty with excitement! They had seen John Mayer.....and they also saw Katie. (John's photographer) After chatting it up with Katie - she gave them wristbands for front row for John's first headlining show. SO JEALOUS!!!!! Gitty with excitement we all headed back up to the Lido deck - and Laura, Kimmy & Jenn had met some cute guys. After was all sat around and chatted for 15 mins. We asked them where they were from and they told us that they were Colbie Caillat's band. Freaking awesome.

After a stellar dinner in the dining room and getting settled in our cabin Kimmy & Laura headed off to catch John Mayer's first headlining show and Jenn & I checked out the casino and went up to the Lido deck to watch Martin Sexton's set with new friends Michelle & Steve.

The perfect end to a perfect day! I needed my beauty sleep for tomorrow we were docking in the Bahamas!
MySpace.com - Shelly: Ship! A Ferr Tale
Once upon a time, there was a workaholic accountant who toiled away in the sweat shops of the corporate world. (Okay, use of the term "sweat shop" is a gross exaggeration. It does, however, add spice to the story.) She rarely took time off of work, and even when she did, it seemed to follow her around. Noting her need to break free of the work-a-day world, her lovely sister invited the accountant to join her on a cruise. Not just any cruise, mind you, but a cruise with the handsome and gallant John Mayer. Armed only with wit, charm and song, Sir Mayer could slay dragons, procure Grammys, and set a fair maiden's heart to fluttering without breaking a sweat. The accountant, being quite smart, immediately agreed, and so began the planning for the voyage of the year. (I would say of a lifetime, but I am betting that the second voyage will easily out do the first.)
Fast forward to January 31st in the year two thousand and eight. The accountant and her sister have made their way (on a horse named "Volvo") to the fair city of Miami where they embarked on the journey that will henceforth be known as Mayercraft 2008. While work proved to be a vicious foe, the accountant fought a fierce battle and with the help of her sister, slayed the evil cell phone. Throughout the next three days, the two lovely sisters had a goodly number of adventures and met an interesting variety of individuals. Life vests, and musicians, and drunkards, Oh My! There was laughter, singing, relaxing, drinking (in moderation of course), and talking. Above all, there was music, fun and sister-time. The sisters viewed Sir Mayer from a variety of stages, admired members his troupe (his posse if you will) both known and unknown, laughed about the characters that they met (or avoided) along the way, and revelled in all of the activities even when they prevented all but a bare minimum of sleep. All in all, I'd say that the accountant and her sister lived happily ever after....until they were thrust quite unwillingly back into the realm known only as reality. While they were indeed forced back to life, back to reality, never fear. There is always a new adventure to look forward to.
The End....Or Is It?
In the next book in the series, readers will find that accountant and her sister in the midst of Mayercraft 2009, as hosted by the gallant John Mayer. In this installment, Sir Mayer rescues the fair accountant from the evil Corporate America. After he has slayed this most evil of foes, he whisks her away to a sunny place where music and laughter reign supreme...... Mudslides and Music and Mayer, Oh My!
(I am off to sleep, perchance to dream.....)
MySpace.com - Jamie: Travel Blog (now with pictures)
This is another MySpace blog that I'm having difficulty readjusting to Blogger size. She's got some good, but huge, pictures. Just click over to MySpace to check it out. At least, you know it's there ;)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
11:53 PM - Travel Blog (now with pictures!)
Current mood:tired
Category: Excited for Mayercraft 2009!!! LifeAs some of you may or may not know... I just had the best time of my life thanks to John Mayer and friends. So right off the bat, even if he never reads this, I'd like to thank the man for making it all happen.
January 31st I landed in Miami and the smell of the air instantly brought back many memories from when I had a cottage there. Man did I ever miss that place. I met up with my friend Josh at the airport (after a small luggage discrepancy on his behalf!) and we were off with a crazy taxi driver on our way to our hotel. As soon as we settled in we were off to South Beach for the day to do some swimming and shopping and dinning, then at night we headed back to our hotel to wash up (and take a photo adventure) and headed to a blues bar downtown who were hosting an open mic to have some drinks before we settled in for the night. Cool people, cool music, warm water, perfect start to our vacation!
We woke up on time to get ready and head over to port to catch our cruise. I was pretty excited but I wasn't quite aware of just how much fun the whole thing would be. this was my first cruise and thank god it was hosted by John Mayer and had a bunch of musicians on board because I wouldn't have a cruise any other way. so we get on the boat, skip our life jacket drill because I think at this time we were already wired and buzzing from those very strong cruise cocktails, and ended up meeting our weekend buddies which included Ian and his mom and aunt. Cool people, we had a blast with them all weekend. So I'm not going to go over the whole cruise because I had too much fun and would go on forever but I'll give you the rundown. Saw 3 John Mayer shows (thanks for being drunk 2 of those 3, seriously though it was awesome and you still played your heart out). Only slept 2-4 hours a night. Sherrod Small is HILARIOUS live. Colbie Caillat is a total sweetheart. Ran in to sherrod so many times we adopted a high five greeting every time we saw each other. Thanks John for the shot at the disco. Bahamas is a beautiful place to chill and have a dip. Watching the sun rise from the side of a ship is one of the best sunrises I have ever seen. Mara is was awesome meeting you, your just as cool in person as on the phone following a certain someone's bus. Shannon I'm glad we got to hang on the beach! Hi, to Bob Reynolds manager (I know we chilled a hell of a lot but I'm so sorrry I still forgot your name!). And last but not least, I do hope John makes the Borat swim suit a tradition.
So suffice to say going back to the airport after the cruise was a little depressing. Beside being in the same terminal as John & Co. And to tell you the truth landing in Toronto was even more depressing because of the snow. But just when I though it was over I find myself in Montreal (ok so I knew it wasn't over yet). Funny thing is, I don't think my sleep has caught up with me yet because I ended up here a day early thinking it was Friday. Ummm yup, it's Thursday and I'm a tired idiot. So I'm attending another event tomorrow and a concert on Saturday then doing the 6 hour drive back home. And if I'm not falling asleep at the wheel by then I might stop in Manhattan to the Comedy Cellar and a nights stay. We'll see what happens and save the rest for Travel Blog 2.
Anyways, to everyone I met on the cruise, at the airport, and on the beaches in Miami and Bahamas, it's been a pleasure and I hope we can all do it again next year! Mayercraft 2009 anyone?!?!?
Leaving Miami
John's first show (sobriety 4/10)
Focus... FOCUS!
Freeport, Bahamas.
Sunset (nostalgia at its finest).
Local 83 Q&A, it's blurry because I felt weird taking pictures for this so I shot a quick one.
John's lido deck performance (sobriety 3ish/10).
Superbowl under the sunset
John's second show (sobriety 2/10... oops, was a little intoxicated!).
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- LiveJournal - Kittenblues11: Mayercraft - Day 6
- LiveJournal - Kittenblues11: Mayercraft - Day 5
- MySpace.com - Ms. Amanda Jayne : The Mayercraft Baby
- MySpace.com - Black Butterfly: Mayercraft Cruise c...
- LiveJournal - Kittenblues11: Mayercraft - Day 4
- MySpace.com - Shelly: Ship! A Ferr Tale
- MySpace.com - Jamie: Travel Blog (now with pictures)