A place to collect the internet buzzings on what was the most exciting and fun cruise EVAH!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
MySpace.com: Adriana - Top 10 Mayercraft Carrier CRAZY fans!
Sometimes I cross over to the realm of the bitchy, so when I saw this one, I fell out laughing.
The cruise was awesome fun, but there were a few unhinged folks there.
Read Adriana's blog for more details...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Top 10 Mayercraft Carrier CRAZY fans!
Category: Travel and Places
It's here! It's here! Here is the list that Shosh, Jenno, Ceci and I came up with of our top 10 crazy John Mayer fans on Mayercraft 2008! Please keep in mind I mean no malice by this list, I just wanted to share some of our crazy adventures.
10. The Cutting Women - I don't know that these women qualify as crazy JOHN MAYER fans, but they made me so angry they got on the list anyway. They basically were these two married, middle aged women who tried to get tickets to the Sunday night show by flirting with a man and his 17 year old son. Skanks! And on top of that, they said that the reason they wanted to go to the show was because they were "drunk and bored," and "what else were [they] going to do?" Ugh. No.
9. Dancing Hands Woman + Friend - these two women stood next to us at the show on Friday night and were WAY into the music. Picture someone pretending to be playing the piano while they did their best to "sing from the abdomen." Yeah, it was like that. They made Shosh super uncomfortable and kept invading our personal bubbles.
8. Baby Daddy Balloon Lady - there was a t-shirt contest on the first day, and we saw one fairly heavyset woman with an XL white Hanes t-shirt with a yellow balloon stuffed under it to make her look pregnant. She'd written on the shirt with PUFFY PAINT "John Mayer is my baby daddy." Seriously.
7. Aussie Girl - this girl was fairly harmless... she was on our Jeep tour in the Bahamas, and we thought her a bit strange, but it was confirmed when our tour guide ate lunch with us and explained how the whole time she'd been in the Jeep with him (she was a single rider and rode with him), she was talking about how she wanted to meet him and marry him. Like, immediately. Which was even more strange for our tour guide, because while he was American, he was a 30 year old American male who had been living in the Bahamas for 5 years and had no idea who John Mayer was.
6. Waving Pool Couple - John Mayer went outside on deck for a while after his Sunday performance, and there were a bunch of people (us included) on the deck below. There was one couple (and one of their moms?) who literally stood on the side of the pool, staring up at him on the deck above, waving. For over 15 minutes. Just waving, and waiting for him to look down and...?
5. Asian Girl On Bus - this girl was tipsy on rum when we met her, which may be one reason she was so loose lipped about her run-ins with John Mayer. She was the classic "groupie," and not afraid to share. Pretty much, she followed Mayer around on one of two of his tours, called him and his bandmates by their first names (appropriate, if you actually KNOW them, not if you just WISH you did), and essentially bragged about being "better fans" than everyone else.
4. Crazy Hat Girl - she pushed her way up in front of us at the show on Friday night, wearing one of the free hats from the boat, and was another one of the gals who was way too into the music. Shosh says that she wasn't even drunk, which makes her comments about JM making eye contact with her all the more intriguing. She was overheard screaming the lyrics to every song (even the quiet ones) at the top of her lungs. And when JM gave a little anecdote about covering something up by being weird, she screamed "Oh MY GOD! Me too! We're soul mates! I told you we were soul mates! John!" Weird is right, sweetie. She also had her camera up taking photos the ENTIRE time, but I must admit that between the four of us, so did we. Hey, he's adorable!
3. Face Grab Lady - this lady could have been 1, but since it was a secondhand story, I put her at 3. Apparently, John Mayer was standing in one of the buffet lines and she walked up to him, and even though he was in mid-conversation, GRABBED HIS FACE to get his attention. Who does that??? INAPPROPRIATE.
2. Photo Lady - this lady was at least in her mid to late 50's and was traveling with her son and her sister. She had photos of JM from the pool deck where he'd been earlier, and was literally showing them to everyone and anyone who would look. She made it very well known that the Friday night show was her 18th show, her son's 13th, and her sister's 20th. She was also obsessed with meeting him, to the point where it was more than a little creepy.
And... coming in at NUMBER 1:
1. The Tambourine Girl! This girl was ALL kinds of crazy - crazy fan, crazy drunk, and crazy just to be crazy! Our first encounter with her was her literally barreling by us at the Friday night show - wrist cast on one hand and LIGHT UP TAMBOURINE in the other. She was falling down drunk, screaming random things at inopportune times, and shaking her damn tambourine, effectively ruining songs for many people. Security tried to take away the tambourine to no avail, and at one point had to physically remove her from something she had climbed up onto. (I wonder how she broke her wrist...) She stayed around for the Brandi Carlile show after the JM show, and ruined the last song with her tambourine and shrieks of "YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL" in her best witch pitch. We saw her several more times on the cruise, as she was in the same hall as us, and there was never a time where she wasn't belligerantly drunk, with the tambourine or, later, the kazoo. Shosh got into a verbal argument with her once, yelling "Die Tambourine Girl" at her through our cabin door. And on the last night, we had to call security on her when she was kicking and screaming to get into her room at 2am, once again drunk, and waking up most of the people in our hall. She had gotten locked out of her room because she was too drunk to use her key card, and was screaming and cursing at her "stupid fucking cow of a roommate" to "get off [her] lazy fat ass" and open the door. No joke. She was absolutely ridiculous, to the point where everyone on the boat knew who she was and disliked her.
So there you have it, folks! A snippet of our crazy adventures aboard the Mayercraft Carrier!
MySpace.com: JayTayLIVE - The John Mayer Cruise
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The John Mayer Cruise
Current mood: loved
Category: Friends
I guess I could have posted this blog under the category "Travel and Places". The week consisted of travel on a flight from my home in New York to Miami, then by boat from Miami to Freeport, Bahama's. But it wasn't about the destination or the means of transportation. We could have hiked the Appalachian Trail and ended up in northern Maine huddled in tents. We could have gathered at any given hotel in any state, our host was just kind enough to elect a tropical climate. We would have followed him anywhere. So "Travel and Places", not my topic of choice.
It could have been posted under "Dreams and the Supernatural" for obvious reasons. The entire trip was surreal. From shaking the hands of my living hero's to dancing with pop diva's in front on hundreds. This trip was nothing I could have ever expected. I packed the bare minimum and let the trip take me instead. I was up for anything and elected heavily against sleep. I accumulated 7 hours in the 4 days. Most of which were on pool decks in beach chairs, or flat on the sand next to the great Atlantic. I still look at the pictures and have to convince myself the week really happened, and that I was really there.
I could have posted under "Music" because no matter where you went, you couldn't get away from it...even though no one was trying. We had great live shows throughout the day and evening, and Francisco Vidal took it upon himself to play until about 4am Monday morning, only stopping just in time to pack his things and check out of the boat. But if you weren't in the casino, you could catch one of our several jam sessions on the Lido Deck. This boat was packed with so many great musicians it was hard to tell who paid to get on the ship and who was being paid to be there. It was to my surprise that all of the hosted musicians were beyond amazing. Guest's were falling in love several times a day. Mostly with musicians, sometimes with other guests . You could leave the Lido deck screaming "I LOVE DAVE BARNES" only to find yourself in the Caribbean Lounge laughing, crying, and falling hard for Brandi Carlile. With only a half hour to reflect on the way the Brandi just changed your life, before you know it Colbie Caillat takes the stage and your heart is now torn 3 ways. When your Captain, John Mayer, hops on stage with her during "Battle". you come to realize you'll never be the same. Colbie was offstage at 1:30am and somewhere and 2:00-2:30ish-3:00-4:00ish I found myself spinning her around in the Disco listening to DJ Dela. Maybe it was the corona dancing...maybe it was the Lemon drops that Dela and I shot in the DJ booth with Logic. All I know is that my hangover was cured when Colbie dedicated song "Out of My Mind" to me the next morning in the Adriatic Lounge. She asked if she was bad last night, I told her she was perfect. She laughed the way you remember laughing as a kid, when you smile because you want to, not because its the polite thing to do. Then a group of the nicest guys backed her up as she was singing my song...and I felt my heart melt. I felt my heart melt in the same way I melted in the Q&A with John Mayer. I fell in love with this guy (in the straightest way possible) years ago when I heard the songs on his self released album "Inside Wants Out". I knew that every word he said was genuine and real. He didn't say it to impress you or mislead you. He said his words because they tore at him from inside and he needed to let it out. Over the years, Mayer's life has been well documented by TMZand US Weekly, and there have been times that I've wondered if the fame has gotten to him. But during the Q&A session he re-enforced every reason I ever fell in love with him in the first place, not just as a musician, but as a person. He's one of the few people that can make one simple statement and make you feel like you were never alone in the first place.
As Mitch Albom once said, "The only time wasted, is time spent thinking we're alone". This got me realizing what this cruise became to me. It wasn't just a few days of great music, endless partying, and never ending food in a Utopian setting of the Bahama's. To me, it was about the people. My friends.
I felt as though each person on that ship was the best friend I ever had. As if we were all friends since grammar school. As if we shared every moment together for the past several years. I stood beside a woman I had just met while Brandi Carlile performed her song "That Year" about her friend who took his life at age 16, and her inability to forgive him until nearly a decade later. There must have been 500 people in that room feeling the same tear fall from one eye. At that moment the woman and I felt such a unison, the whole room became one as Brandi stood with her pigeon toes and microphone. We all felt heard what she said. We all felt what she felt. We were all best friends mourning the loss of a loved one. It was pure intimacy. And we all felt it. I don't know how else to describe it. Dave Barnes was also able to create a unison among the crowd with "Everybody Knows but You". He simply told us the lines to the chorus, and we belted along like our mothers recited those lines to us in nursery rhymes. We all celebrated, for no particular reason. We were all just happy to be there under a unifying purpose, love of a common thing. Weather the common love be as broad as music, or a specific as John Mayer...we each had it in common. And it was so strong I came back a different and enlightened person.
I spent 4 days with the best friends I ever had. You can see all the pictures in the album entitled "The Cruise!". Rumor has it (from John himself) that next year will be 6 days...so I better start training. To my friends, I'll see you all next year...and don't ever lose touch!
TryJM: Mayercraft Article: John Mayer is still way cooler than you
Mayercraft Article: John Mayer is still way cooler than you
Thanks to Shu and Lea for emailing in the following article:
Monday, February 25, 2008
MySpace: Barnes' aka SocialCasualty's MCC Blog
I can't get the layout on this one right. So, if the layout is buggy for you too, click over to MySpace to read it. Sorry. I'll fix it when I get the time.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
- MCC Friday, Feb 1st
Bad news never had good timing…. Moving on, after the tears were temporarily dried and the car was packed up, Amy, Mom and I jumped in the car and headed for the Port of Miami. The closer we got, the more I wanted to barf out of excitement. The first "event" of the day was whoever wore the funniest / craziest shirt won $100 onboard spending credit. I thought for SURE one of the three of us would win. Of course we didn't. We lost out to some douchebags that put feathers on their shirts. The girl's shirt said "Chick" and the guy's shirt said "Rooster". The shirts should have said "stupid shirt" and "cocksucker" they didn't deserve to win. Oh well. My shirt rocked, here's the front and the back: Back: My shirt represented the Taracraft Carrier. I figured, if I wanted to be on a boat with John Mayer, he should want to be on a boat full of me. I'm fun, people like me. ;) Before we get on board, I learn our tickets for the 2nd Mayer headlining show are in the 3rd row center!! (You were only guaranteed access to one of two headlining shows, and the show on the Lido deck for everyone at the same time.) I also noticed in my envelope that I got a ticket to go to a Question and Answer Session with Mayer!!! The only question I wanted to ask is if I could get a pic with him, and then have sex with him in his bathroom on board. More on the Q&A later. We were able to get to the rooms right after we ate our breadsticks and hotdogs. I have to say, I was surprised (a good surprise) at how nice the room was. I dreaded checking out the bathroom. I'm a bathroom snob. I remember on Royal Caribbean the shower had a glass enclosure and there wasn't enough room to bend over to wash from your knees down. You had to kinda squirt some soap by your knees, rub and hope the friction would get you clean enough to get away with for a week. Carnival just had a shower curtain. Hooray for clean feet!! Of course, this means the floor will be wet, but I called first shower so it wasn't my problem to deal with. Granted, you could lean forward and brush your teeth in the sink while you were sitting on the toilet, but that could come in handy after a night of heavy drinking... http://youtube.com/watch?v=KD7fVr2DAC0 As a bonus, everyone on board got an AKOG bag which was pretty sweet. I was going to buy one, and now I don't have to! At this point, Amy and mom started decorating the door for the "Best Door Ever" contest, which we ended up winning $100 onboard spending credits!! ![]() ![]() So we drop off our stuff, and I grab Victoria to run around the ship to drop off the tags I made to get the MCC Mafia members to show up for a photo-op. I sent out an email on the message boards with a clue that people would be getting something on their doors from me before 5pm the first day. SIDE NOTE - Since I was named "The Godfather" of the MCC Mafia, I'm making an official proclamation that we all either need to be on the same floor, or all on the same side of the ship. Victoria and I walked all up and down the hallways of EVERY DAMN FLOOR. I'm not doing that shit again. Anyway, more on that stuff later.I can't upload the video explaining the tags. I'm working on it and will make another post with it later. After the tags were dropped off and we figured out what floor Mayer was staying on (7th floor) I ran into Melanie At this point Katie (if you are a big enough fan of Mayer, you know who Katie is) walked behind me and I stopped her to say hello. She knows me enough from being at all the Mayer events, so we chatted for about 30 seconds. She asked if I was going to the first or second Mayer show. I told her I was going to the second and she said, well who are you here with? I told her technically 3 people, but in a group of 30. "How many are here right now?" she said. Counting really quickly, I said "Ten…why what's going on?" Katie then handed me 10 blue bracelets that got us all into the first headlining Mayer show. I almost pissed in my pants. I thanked her, got mobbed by a bunch of people I didn't know, and gave out most of the bracelets to the Mafia. Out of nowhere, someone screamed OH MY GOD THERE IS JOHN!!! So I walked to the edge of the deck, looked down, and there he was right under me. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ao_nWEm0BtU Unfortunately, that was the closest I got to being on top of Mayer on board. I was unusually calm considering the man was at my feet (as he should be) and so he waved to everyone, walked up a few steps and was pretty much mobbed. It was like the paparazzi were there. I heard someone say "Tara go get him!!" but I just kept saying "If it is meant to be, it will be, I'm not going to stalk him." I eventually walked a few feet closer to him and snapped a pic because I figured this would be the closest I'd get to seeing him chill out on board and I wanted to take advantage. ![]()
![]() Don't ask me who that guy is. Amy was joking around with him and he said he was forever in our pic. F! It was then time to head up to the Bon Voyage party on the Lido Deck with Brett Dennen. They served free drinks in bad ass hypercolor cups (Amy you owe me a few of those btw) and the drinking continued. Amy and I walked around with about 7 cups, most of which Amy drank. I managed to get near the stage just in time for the ship to blow the horn to leave port during Brett's performance, which was pretty funny. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Kx1SXHB5sds Anyway, I lost Amy somewhere and decided to walk around. It wasn't hard to find Mafia members, we were all over the place. I said hello to everyone and eventually ended up on top of the Lido Deck near Lisa and AC and a few other Mafia members. At this point, Boyle came over and said "What are you drinking?" It was just fruit punch. He gave me a bottle of "water" which has since been named Boyle Juice and is MCC famous. I added some to my juice, and the following few hours became a blur. If you join us for MCC09, DO NOT drink the Boyle Juice. Check out the "I was drunk" section for photos I can't explain. I apparently got around the ship, because the next day, people were like HEY TARA!!! I don't want to know what happened. I somehow ended up with my mom in line at the Merch area, bought 3 shirts and 2 posters, and got brought back to the room to pass out. I found out later that Amy was already there since about 8pm passed out in bed. The room was spinning….I had to take a nap. I completely forgot about getting into the first John Mayer headlining show…… More blogs from the boat coming soon! |
YouTube.com: ibelieveinmiracles2's Videos from the Mayercraft Carrier
I've posted them in rough chronological order: Show 1, Colbie Caillat's show, the Lido Deck set and Show 2.
I'm too lazy to look at set set list (oh, hell, I'll do that too...hold on. Done.)
John Mayer - Ya Owe it To Yourself!
John Mayer - Mayercraft - No Such Thing - Show #1
John Mayer - Mayercraft - Something's Missing - Show #1
John Mayer & Colbie Caillat - Mayercraft - Battle
Colbie Caillat - Mayercraft - One Fine Wire
John Mayer - Mayercraft Lido Deck - Bigger Than My Body
Although, really, John...I actually like my life, but I know, I know...you weren't just speaking to me.
John Mayer - Mayercraft - Vultures - Show #2
John Mayer - Mayercraft - No Such Thing - Show 2
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Kathe's Myspace blog: The Experience (Unabridged)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
![]() |
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Lori's Myspace blog: Recognized The Moment
Recognized The Moment~
Category: Travel and Places
I had an incredible blog prepared regarding the Mayercraft Carrier....which was eaten up twice by Myspace...(I hate Tom).
So instead I am just gonna posted my pictures and videos, with a small synopsis for each.
A huge highlight for me on this trip, was to see a very dear friend of mine....Abby.
She was my maid of honor in my wedding, and I have not seen her since my wedding day and we live on different coasts, me in California, and her in Miami, Florida. So almost 18 years later, I was able to see her again.
We were extremely privileged to have been invited to stay with our great friends and CREW members, Robin, James and their sweet little boy Taylor at their timeshare in Miami for a few days before the cruise for free. They went over and above. Many thanks to them.
We were finally able to board the Mayercraft Carrier aka Carnival Victory. Got to drink and party with all my favorite friend, myspace peeps, meet many great Mayer fans, and was introduced to some incredible musicians!!!

John came out on stage to welcome everyone, and I happen to catch it on video.....it is actually quite funny....let's just say that this was the most 'horniest' he had every been in public. *Tongue in cheek* He did mentioned that to enjoy this cruise and have him hang around with everyone, that maybe we could leave the cameras behind....um...yeah.....this cruise was so not just about him, I did respect his wishes, and short of the Lido Deck show, whenever he was around, I left my camera off.
Went to check out Dave Barnes set in the Casino Lounge...didn't take any pictures or video of that show, but was blown away by him, however, my friend took this picture of me and Caroline with him.

Got fairly shit-faced that night and was apparently named 'Queen of the World'.

Saturday we got to go shop and spend the most beautiful day in Port Lucaya, Bamahas. I almost felt guilty leaving my family behind in the cold.......almost. ;)
One of the many musicians that I was excited to meet was Dave Barnes, who was absolutely amazing, but was also surprised by another awesome musician that sat in as Dave Barnes' keyboardist.....
Gabe Dixon.
We checked out some more of the ship and some others sets. Ran into a few of my favorite myspace peeps....The incredible Miss Mara aka BearHeadedGirl and is one of the best bloggers out there.

Went to meet the awesome David LaBruyere, he was a hell of a nice guy!

Caught a surprise set in the casino lounge with Francisco Vidal, Dave Barnes, and David Ryan Harris.
I actually had not planned on taping the Lido Deck Show per Mayer's request...and the highlights of the cruise were Mayer's performances. In a lot of cases, I feel guilty that I am a female fan because a great portion of his fans are women, which he seems to roll his eyes at because as a musician...I'm sure he wants to be taken seriously and not the magazine heart-throb that he seems to be labeled as, which I totally get and after seeing his performance with the Trio, it was all about his music, and nothing about "him".....but then....the son of a bitch had to walk out with no shirt on, and he actually looked pretty good....and I am only human...so fuck it, I turned the camera on. Damn it.

What's this all about Miss Lisa?

Caught David Ryan Harris' show next. He was awesome as usually.
Picture time with my friends!!!

Went dancing a little with the Crew, Matt Mangano and Gabe Dixon....yes John was there, but we didn't pay much attention to him.

I have been introduced to many new musicians over the last few years that I love and I also have turned my 14 year old daughter into a huge fan.....one of them is David Ryan Harris. I have seen him perform many times. I told him about my daughter Hailey, and he was kind enough the make little video messages for her, he has done this several times actually:
Well....I have posted this in a bulletin already, but she also loves Colbie Callait, and she also made a video message for Hailey as well.
Having to get up at 8am in the morning to get off the boat was pure torture, since I didn't go the bed until 5am...but I couldn't leave without getting footage of our cabin.
All in all...I had an amazing time, met amazing people, and heard the greatest of music....and I can not wait to go again next year.......IF.....John follows through.
But the best ending to any trip for me...was coming home.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mayercraft Carrier Official Cruise Photo Website

Here is the official cruise photography website (click here or click on the photo):
Mayercraft Carrier - Photography by Will Byington
I can tell by the shots that I never saw this guy once on the ship. I was up late constantly...ooops. However, there are a lot of great shots.
I'm still on vacation, so I haven't had the chance to check it out in detail. There are tons of pics on it and if you spot yourself, you can purchase the photo ;)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
TryJM: Mayercraft Carrier Review from Italy
Mayercraft Carrier Review from Italy
Thanks to Antonella from Italy for sending in the following MCC review and photos!
If Mayer doesn’t come to Europe, Europe goes to Mayer.
So we did. Even if Italy is not so close to the Bahamas.
Me and my friend Chiara had been planning and dreaming of our Mayercraft for so many months… we “just” had to save some money, pack our bags and take a 2h flight to Paris and then a 10h flight to Miami, did I forget to mention that I’m afraid to fly...
No panic! I WANTED to be on the ship and see his show, my first John Mayer show (I had missed it when he was in London last September, because I was not in Europe).
It was so strange seeing him just two steps away from me while the ship was sailing. In his white shirt he seemed so shy in front of all those people looking at him. (I know he is always in front of thousands of people looking at him, but that was my impression).Strange but true… his music, every morning in my car, every evening in my home, and every time I need something that I don’t know what it is… and everytime it is able to make my day just a little brighter… his voice is a part of my day, so familiar, so comfortable… and it was so strange to realize that he is real! The first thing I thought when I saw him was: “So, he does exist… and I am here!!!”
But nothing can be compared to the show I saw that Sunday… my best Sunday ever! I was in the front row at the afternoon performance and it was so special… John, his guitar, the sunlight, the sky, the idea of being in the middle of the ocean… and singing my “Good Love” at the top of my lungs!
And the night show was even better… everything was so perfect. “Vultures” was supreme, and also “I Don’t Trust Myself”… and yes, “Clarity” really encapsulated the whole experience of the Mayercraft.
In the end, while he invited us to keep on singing “you can’t love too much one part of it” he left us with the best words I wanted to be left by him… I think we all know them… “I believe that my life’s gonna see the love I give returned to me”.
See you in Europe, John. Or anywhere you’d like to play. You know we'll be there.
Here some photos from the Lido Deck:
Saturday, February 9, 2008
TryJM: Videos: Mayercraft Q&A
Videos: Mayercraft Q&A
Here some excerpts from John's Local 83 Question and Answer session from the Mayercraft:
Friday, February 8, 2008
Martin Sexton and John Mayer - Show #2 performing "Can't Stop Thinking About You"
Download the 2nd Mayercraft Show
Good Love is on the Way
I Don't Trust Myself
No Such Thing
Bigger Than My Body
heart Of Life
I Don't Need no Doctor
I Can't Stop Thinking About You/ with Martin Sexton
The link @ DivShare
Thank you Debbie for your hard work.
YouTube: A Bunch of Mayercraft Carrier Performances
Heart of Life (w/ Inrepair) MayerCraft Carrier
John Mayer Mayercraft 2008 Show #2 Opener
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - Belief
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - Clarity
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - Banter Intro
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - Don't Need No Doctor
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - I Don't Trust Myself w/ Loving U
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - Gravity Part 1
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - Gravity Part 2
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - Heart of Life
John MayerCraft 08 Show 2 - Clarity
John Mayer MayerCraft Lido Deck Show - Gravity (Acoustic)
John Mayercraft *Deck*--Bigger Than My Body (beatbox intro)
2008 Mayercraft - John Mayer, Medley
John Mayer - Old School Acoustic Mix
John Mayer Dancing to DRH's song on Mayercraft
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Judy's blog @ MySpace.com: Mayercraft '08
Friday, February 08, 2008
Mayercraft ’08 Well, I've been home for 3 days now and I am still on a high from our trip. Words cannot describe what it was like. You really had to experience it for yourself. We arrived Miami on Thursday night and stayed at South Beach Plaza hotel. It was nice and it was great to be in South Beach. We found an amazing sushi restaurant and walked around. There are many beautiful people there from all walks of life. The next day, we hung out and tried to find Erik an 80's outfit for the 80's prom on the boat. We couldn't find anything and he refused to buy a pastel colored polo shirt for $70. We get on the boat and we go straight to our room. We have a room on the 10th floor with a balcony. It was very spacious and nice! We were pleasanly surprised. Then off to the lido deck for some bahama mamas, beers and pina coladas. (not all at once of course!) John shows up and there's pure pandemonium! He was hounded by all the screaming, crazy fans. At one point, he was escorted to one of the decks and was surrounded by security. All the people around him was snapping pics and screaming for him. I actually felt sorry for him. It reminded me of the panda exibit at the zoo. Evertone wanted to see him. So he gets on stage in his cute sailor hat and greets everyone. He asks everyone to put away their cameras and just hang out. His goal was that by the end of the trip, people would see him as a regular guy and not JOHN MAYER!!! Well, good luck! The funny thing is that I thought the crazies would be all the teenage girls. Come too find out, they were all the suburban soccer moms! lol So we start off with Brett Denned who had such a cool sound. It was kind of reggae, soul, calypso type music. I really dug him. Then during the trip I think he got confused and thought it was called the Brett Dennencraft! He came off as arrogant. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe he was just having an off moment but everytime I saw him he thought he was all that. Come on, do we really have to waer our sunglasses at night!?! Oh well.... We also saw Colbie Caillet and I was pleasantly surprised. To be honest, I had gotten so annoyed at hearing "Bubbly" everywhere. She had a lot more to offer so I really dug her. Plus they were all super cool. Tim Fagan and Justin Long were sweethearts! I caught Dave Barnes in the casino lounge and he was brilliant! Also, that same night I caught Martin Sexton. All I can say is "WOW"! He's oozes pure talent! Erik got to shoot John Mayer's 1st show in the main stage. I tried to sneak in and told the security guard that my husband was the photographer. He wasn't buying it and told me to hurry along....I later found out a bunch of people got to sneak in. I'm bitter now! The next morning, we land in the Bahamas. We end up going to the beach and found a great spot behind the Westin (I think) and hung out there. We met a great couple Rick and Debbie from Connecticut. We exchanged business cards and Rick who is on hiatus from work right now said he didn't have a job and no business card. So we all realized that was our aspiration. To have no job and no business card!!! In the evening we had the 80's prom. I wore a black dress, black opaque leggings, patent leather pumps, big hair and big earrings! Rich and Gina our friends on the trip went all out and Gina was dressed a la Madonna circa 1985 and Rich was Don Johnson from Miami Vice. We went to dinner with a bunch of cool people who's names escape me now. There were some hideous dresses! i can't believe we actually wore clothes like that in the 80's...lots of lace, pastels, big hair and blue eyeshadow! We go to see Bob Reynolds who is magical on the sax! He was so cute and humble and the song he did with DRH was AWESOME! We made it to see the Bomb Squad and again, I was pleasantly surprised at how good they were. Brenna the singer was on fire! She was so energetic and was full of charisma. Then it was off to see comedy with James Smith and Sherod Small. I enjoyed them both. After that I was pretty pooped. I headed off to bed while Erik shot Colbie's second show. I was bummed when Erik came back to the room and said that John showed up and jammed with Colbie. ARGHHH!!! That's what I get for sleeping. The next morning, I went to do yoga with Brett Dennen. Actually there was an actual yoga teacher, Brett was just there taking the class with about 40-50 other people. It was so amazing to be on the top deck in the blue skies with the breeze on your skin. Next, we had tix to the Q&A with John. It was only open to the fan club members (I know I'm a dork!) It was very cool and he was so honest. He seemed a little hung over but still was very present and intelligent and honest and funny! People asked great questions like what would he be doing if he wasn't a rock star? He said he wanted to be a graphic artist. I was teasing Erik that John wished he was him! At 3pm John performed on the Lido deck for everyone! He came out without a shirt and it was complete chaos!!! He was pretty tipsy and having a great time. At one point he had to apologize to his fans for being a little sloppy. We forgive you John!!! It was entertaining! He had to take a piss in the middle of the set so DRH filled in for him and sang, "Pretty Girl". When John came back he sang the rest of the song with him! One of my top 3 moments on the cruise!!!! Right after John's set we head over to DRH set. Man, that was breathtaking!!! The man is a complete genius! Every song was flawless even though the band was totally wasted! Some girls kept sending them tequila shots on stage and they kept taking it! At this point Roy kept buying me mudslides and I was very happy:-) When "Yesterday Shutting Down" came on, I got up and started to dance!!! My friend Gina later told me she was sure i was gonna get up on the table or the speaker or something crazy! Nope, I was fine....;-) Superbowl was next. Erik is the biggest Giants fan you will ever meet so he was really excited to watch it. The only problem was that we were soooo exhausted by this point. I decided to crash before John's concert that evening. Erik came back to the room to get ready and we were in the 4th quarter. Giants end up winning and Erik is in hysterics!!! I dared him to go outside and do his dance ( in his underwear) and he does!!! There was a girl in the hallway that was not expecting that!!! Anyway, if you're reading this, sorry this is sooooo long...I just wanted to document my experience so I don't forget. We get to John's last concert on the last night of the cruise and the energy is just electric! Besides having to share a table for two with eight people and having two amazon 8 foot women standing right in front of me, it was the BEST John Mayer show I have ever been to! And this was my 17th or 18th show, I lost count! I think he was trying to redeem himself for not being polished on the lido deck earlier in the day. He rocked it like I've never seen him before. His guitar solos were unbelievable and he played "Wheel" for his finale! The first JM concert I ever saw he closed with "Wheel" and it was the beginning of my obsession. "Gravity" was on a different plane! And the duet with Martin Sexton was just so sultry and sexy!!! WOW!!! I wish I can put in a bottle what I was feeling that night in that room but it's something that only I and 1200 other people can ever relate to. We went to the disco afterwards and got our groove on! We didn't get to bed until after 4am and had to disembark by 7am!!! OK..I'm too old for this. I'm not used to partying like a rock star! I'm a suburban, mini driving, soccer mom who is obsessed with John Mayer!!! Anyway, my husband was one of the photographers on the boat. as soon as he sorts through all 5000 shots, I will be sure to share some. Until Mayercraft '09...goodnite! |
JohnMayer.com (Tony Held's blog): MAYERCRAFT CARRIER
A few pictures from the cruise. Enjoy!

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